Sunday, February 26, 2006

great movie on right now...

I turned on the tv in my hospital room and one of my favorite movies is on right now... Sliding Doors. So I'm going to watch it:) I have it at home on video, but it is kind of a delight to be able to watch it here. Can you tell that it doesn't take much to make me happy?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is a good movie, have to have those little pleasures when you're stuck in the hospital.
BTW~ I just randomly decided to look in our parish guestbook and saw your name! It must have been a while ago, at least before I was familiar with your blog. What a small world.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

That sounds like a good movie. Maybe that'll be the next one I watch. And yes, I think it's nice when you're stuck to be able to have some small comforts.

How's tomorrow for a visit?

8:06 PM  

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