Wednesday, March 08, 2006

report from petros' doctor

Petros' doctor left a message for me today. He is doing very well and will probably be able to come home within the next week. Woohoo!

Tonight, while Paul/Rob, Pavlos, and my dad (Pappous) went to pre-sanctified liturgy, mom and I went to my home to pick up the mail and drop off some things. Then we snuck off to our favorite Lebanese restaurant so I could finally get my schwarma fix. It was awesome (Presv. Elizabeth... you guys should try it. It's called Ya Halla and they serve tons of vegetarian and vegan food... mom can attest to that because she ate a lenten dinner this evening). It was delicious. And my very best friend Maria told me earlier today that I deserved to have the schwarma. Thanks, Maria (and we missed you tonight).


Blogger Mimi said...

Oooh, it sounds really, really good! I love Middle Eastern food - vegan and non-vegan!

Whohoooo for Petros! Yay! (I sent something to you guys, did it arrive?)

11:01 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Christina--we know *all about* Ya Halla! That was the first restaurant anyone took us to in Portland, and we continue to get taken there. Last Friday Fr. Alban and Khouria Krista took us there. Yum, yum. We know you can get great Lenten food because Hibi is happy when we go there. :-)

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy that Petros is doing well and will be home with his family soon!

After eating hospital food, eating anything out that you enjoy (not having to cook it too!) must be so awesome.

Hope that better sleep comes your way soon.

Hugs & kisses to you & baby from all of us~Athena, Demetrios & Blake

11:22 AM  

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