Friday, March 10, 2006

updates on petros...

Baby Petros had his "naming" today. He is doing very well, according to his doctor. Last night Rob/Paul, my dad and I went to see him. He drank 40mll for us. That's the most he's done. And he continues to eat better. He passed the car seat test (they put him in his carseat for 90 minutes and monitor how he's doing). So we are doing all the things that we need in order to get him ready to come home. I'm still recovering. It's a slow process. Tapered down to 60 mg. prednisone. Last night, I actually slept more than 5 hours. That's about all for now. Now, when we go in to see Petros and he's awake, he's so alert. And he is awake more now that he's getting older. Oh, he is also checking in at a weight of 6lbs. 2ozs. Pavlos was 5lbs 15ozs when he was born.


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